Justice and Peace Group


Aim:- To embed justice, peace and the care of creation fully within the life of the Parish within the context of Gospel values and Catholic Social Teaching and to transform them into practical action.


  • affirm that JPIC is the responsibility of everyone in the Parish
  • recognise the issues of the day and inform ourselves and others
  • discern a Christ Centred response
  • promote gospel values within our own lives and transform them into practical action
  • promote JPIC within each Parish group
  • mobilise resources when necessary to respond to urgent need
  • welcome strangers
  • reach out into the wider community
  • learn from others and listen with compassion
  • tap the talents of the Parish

For more information, please contact Sheila Collins
Telephone - 029 2115 3074
Email - sheilacollins@talktalk.net
Web - www.justice-and-peace.org.uk